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7 Reason To Choose Retainers

Health - Beauty - Fitness 10 views ID: 138596
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Published on 2024/03/21



Retainers are an essential part of orthodontic treatment, playing a crucial role in maintaining the results achieved through braces or other teeth straightening methods. Here are seven reasons why choosing retainers is important. 1. Maintaining Teeth Alignment 2. Preventing Relapse 3. Stabilizing the Bite 4. Protecting Investment 5. Post-Treatment Adjustments 6. Customized for Comfort 7. Long-Term Oral Health In summary, choosing to wear retainers after orthodontic treatment is essential for maintaining the results achieved and ensuring a healthy, functional smile for years to come. Phone - +65 62277708 Email - inquiry@vividdental.sg Address - 71 Seng Poh Road #01-43 Singapore 160071


71 Seng Poh Road #01-43 Singapore 160071
Seng Poh
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