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Rua Dos Flamboyants 990, 14876-132, Jaboticabal, Bamboo Flat, Puducherry, Brazil
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About seller Cloud-based totally supply code management (SCM) structures help integration with self-hosted CI/CD answers through webhooks, that's amazing for DevOps automation.

but, cd the benefits can include safety trade-offs.

consistent with new findings from researchers at Cider, exploit malicious actors can abuse webhooks to get admission to inner assets, run faraway code execution (RCE), and likely achieve opposite shell get entry to.

Webhook IP tiers
software program-as-a-service (SaaS) SCM systems offer an IP range for their webhooks. businesses should open their networks to those IP stages to permit integration between the SCM and their self-hosted CI/CD systems.

Attackers can use webhooks to get past an agency’s firewalls. but SCM webhooks have strict limits, and there's very little room to make changes to webhook requests.

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