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M5H 3V9, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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Bright Minds Biosciences Inc is focused on developing novel transformative treatments for neuropsychiatric disorders, epilepsy, and pain. The company has a portfolio of next-generation serotonin agonists designed to target neurocircuit abnormalities that are responsible for difficult to treat disorders such as resistant epilepsy, treatment resistant depression, PTSD, and pain. The company's drugs have been designed to potentially retain the powerful therapeutic aspects of psychedelic and other serotonergic compounds, while minimizing the side effects, thereby creating superior drugs to first-generation compounds, such as psilocybin.

Bright's listings

Toronto, Canada
Breakthroughs in Mental Health Drug Development: Recent Discoveries and Promising Approaches
Mental health disorders affect millions of people worldwide, leading to significant suffering and a burden on healthcare systems. The search for effective treatments has been ongoing for decades, with numerous challenges along the way. However, recent years have witnessed remarkable breakthroughs in mental health drug development, offering new hope to indivi...
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8 months ago Health - Beauty - Fitness 12 people viewed
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Toronto, Canada
Psilocybin Legalization and Decriminalization: Navigating the Changing Legal Landscape
The legal status of psilocybin, the psychoactive compound found in "magic mushrooms," has been a subject of growing interest and debate in recent years. As research into its potential therapeutic benefits continues to accumulate, various jurisdictions have started to reevaluate their stance on psilocybin.
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8 months ago Health - Beauty - Fitness 18 people viewed
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Toronto, Canada
Transforming Epilepsy Diagnosis and Treatment
In the dynamic realm of medical science, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a revolutionary force, reshaping the landscape of diagnosing and treating an array of diseases. Epilepsy, a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent seizures, is no exception. AI is ushering in an innovative era of precision medicine, where advanced algorithms analyz...
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8 months ago Health - Beauty - Fitness 14 people viewed
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Toronto, Canada
Exploring the Stigma Associated with Mental Health Issues and Ways to Reduce It
Mental health is crucial for well-being, but stigma persists globally. This stigma is a significant barrier that prevents individuals from seeking help, receiving proper treatment, and living their lives to the fullest. To promote mental well-being and create a more inclusive society, it is crucial to understand the origins and impacts of mental health stigm...
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8 months ago Health - Beauty - Fitness 14 people viewed
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Toronto, Canada
Serotonin and Sleep: Unraveling the Complex Connection
Sleep, a vital physiological process, plays an integral role in maintaining overall health and well-being. The intricate interplay of various neurotransmitters and hormones within our body influences our sleep patterns and quality. Among these, serotonin stands out as a key player in regulating sleep, impacting both its onset and quality. This article delves...
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8 months ago Health - Beauty - Fitness 12 people viewed
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Toronto, Canada
Microdosing Psilocybin: Exploring its Effects on Mood, Creativity, and Productivity
In recent years, microdosing psilocybin, a naturally occurring psychedelic compound found in certain mushrooms, has gained significant attention for its potential effects on mood, creativity, and productivity. Microdosing involves taking sub-perceptual doses of a substance, typically one-tenth to one-twentieth of a typical recreational dose, with the aim of ...
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9 months ago Health - Beauty - Fitness 13 people viewed
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Toronto, Canada
Understanding Chronic Pain: An Overview of Causes and Treatment Options
Pain is a universal human experience, often acting as a warning signal that something is amiss in the body. While acute pain is a normal response to injury or illness and typically subsides as the underlying issue heals, chronic pain is a persistent and complex condition that persists for weeks, months, or even years beyond the initial trigger. Millions of p...
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9 months ago Health - Beauty - Fitness 18 people viewed
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Toronto, Canada
Advancements in Targeted Therapies for Specific Mental Health Disorders
Mental health disorders have long been a significant global concern, affecting millions of individuals worldwide. A variety of conditions fall under the umbrella of these disorders., including depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and more. While traditional treatments such as psychotherapy and medication have been effective for many, there h...
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9 months ago Health - Beauty - Fitness 16 people viewed
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Toronto, Canada
Strategies for Maintaining and Improving Cognitive Vitality
As we journey through life, our bodies and minds inevitably undergo changes. While aging is a natural process, it does not mean that we must resign ourselves to a decline in cognitive function and overall brain health. Just as we prioritize physical health, it is crucial to pay equal attention to the well-being of our most vital organ: the brain. Fortunately...
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9 months ago Health - Beauty - Fitness 17 people viewed
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Toronto, Canada
The Brain-Body Connection: Unveiling the Intricate Link Between Physical and Mental Health
The human body is an intricate network of systems, each with its own unique functions, yet all interwoven to create a harmonious whole. Among these systems, the connection between the brain and the body is perhaps the most fascinating and profound. The brain-body connection underscores the interdependence of physical and mental health, highlighting how each ...
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9 months ago Health - Beauty - Fitness 13 people viewed
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Toronto, Canada
Addressing the Unmet Needs in Mental Health Treatment
Mental health has emerged as one of the most pressing global challenges of our time, affecting individuals across all age groups, backgrounds, and cultures. While significant progress has been made in understanding mental health disorders and developing effective treatment options, there remain substantial unmet needs in the field.
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9 months ago Health - Beauty - Fitness 18 people viewed
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Toronto, Canada
Unravelling the Serotonergic System
The human brain is a complex system of cells and chemical messengers that regulate a variety of physiological and psychological processes. Among these, serotonin, a neurotransmitter, plays a crucial role in modulating mood, cognition, memory, learning, addiction, anxiety, depression, psychosis, and epilepsy. Dysregulation of serotonin signaling has been link...
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9 months ago Health - Beauty - Fitness 13 people viewed
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