Ultra Luxury Commercial Plots In Gurgaon

Houses - Apartments for Sale 17 views ID: 18671
10000000.00 $

Published on 2023/03/28


Investorspropmart are typically large parcels of land that are designated for commercial use and are located in high-end, exclusive areas. These plots are often sought after by developers who want to build premium commercial properties such as luxury hotels, high-end shopping centers, or office buildings with top-of-the-line amenities. Our companies are typically located in areas with high demand and limited supply, such as prime city locations or exclusive resort destinations. They are also often situated in areas with breathtaking views or other unique features that make them particularly desirable. Developers who acquire ultra luxury commercial plots typically invest a significant amount of capital into th...


28.4601, 77.02635
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0851000xxxx Send message
Parmod Sexena
Parmod Sexena
3 active listings
Last online 11 months ago
Registered for 1+ year
Gurgaon-122001, 122001, Gurgaon, Gurgaon, Haryana, India
Seller's profile All seller items (3) investorspropmart.com

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